Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Don't Compare!

I've took inspiration from a fellow blogger about getting things off my chest that annoy me. Perfect catharsis.

Recently I've had to have a word with myself. I have struggled for years with my appearance, no matter how much praise I have been given I cannot take a compliment and to be honest it's shocking. I have had to get some things into perspective.

I am a mother of THREE children. To which I have given birth to in the short space of 5 years (all totally planned and my choice), I should not compare myself or let myself be compared to girls who are quite frankly not in my position. I had to remind myself that pre kids, I was a good healthy size, and that I will get there again and I have already done so well.

I had a wake up call after Hope, my weight was at a high, not an all time high, I've been heavier, but it was bad. I made a decision to lose weight. Not a bit of weight. A lot of weight.

It was MY decision. I am doing This for me. My husband has never cared what I weighed. He loves me regardless and makes it perfectly clear to me that he finds me attractive no matter what. But I wanted to feel worthy of being on his arm. This upsets him greatly because he is so proud to be with me. But I can't help how I feel.

I think as women we could do with not putting ourselves and each other down so much. Were all different for many different reasons.

I say embrace it, love yourself and all your imperfections. Own them. But also own the things you love about yourself, if you think you have a great rack. Own it. You love your hair? Own it. You think your eyes were a gift from God himself. OWN IT.

It's yours, Own it.

H xxx

Ps I like big butts, and I cannot lie.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Kiddies Wishlist!

We've got a few things coming up and this is what I want/need for my kiddies!


1. Gingham shirt - Next - Eli
2. Multi coloured plum/navy shirt - Next - Jacob
3. Tartan dress & top set - Matalan - Hope
4. Waxed navy duffle coat - Zara - Jacob
5. Navy duffle coat - Junior J at Debenhams - Eli
6. Red Scotty dog dress - Asda - Hope
7. Navy polka dot party dress - Junior J at Debenhams - Hope
8. Powder blue denim look shirt - Next - Jacob
9. Burgundy smart shirt - Next - Eli

These are all things that the kids need really, we have a few parties and formal occasions coming up, and obviously the boys need new winter coats, I haven't seen anything I like for Hope's winter coat yet. As I recently bought a tartan dress for myself (thank you ASOS) I thought it only right that Hope has one too, I must say that's the lovely thing about having a girl! Because I constantly dress the lads like eachother and like their dad! 
We should be getting this stuff over the next couple of weeks, I love buying for my kiddies!

H xxx

Monday, 21 October 2013

Christmas: The Big Spend Part 1

I LOVE Christmas, you don't have to twist my arm to get me excited about it. I also love Christmas shopping it's one of my favorite things about this time of year. But lets be honest Christmas is expensive, we all want to get those perfect gifts for our loved ones and if like me you've got kids the bill goes through the roof!

So how do we cope? How do we make sure that were not living it up in December but groaning in January about credit cards, Catalogues and HP!?

Parks. That's how I do it. Every year I pay into a voucher scheme called Parks Love2Shop vouchers. This means that in October/November time I am given a big chunk of vouchers to spend in all the top highstreet stores, Including Debenhams, BHS, Argos to name a few. I find this better than saving the money into an account or anything because I know I'd spend it! This way it's locked in and there's know debts after Christmas to upset me!

It can be done through an agent ( mine is my mother in law) or all done online. Couldn't be simpler to get set up! So if you don't want a money headache in the new year, look at this scheme it's a no brainer!

How do you prepare for this expensive season?

H xxx

Why The Rush!?

People often ask me how I look so young and honestly I think it's mostly good genetics. Both of my paremts have aged very well. But I must say I think it's got something to do with the fact that I haven't been trowelling a ton of make up on to my face since I was 12.

Girls are in such a rush to be "grown up" that they don't realise that they are wishing their lives away. I often get shocked when I see young girls now, this may be my age playing a factor but, they never look their age. They often wear a lot (too much) make up, and clothes that are for want of a better word, provocative to say the least. What kind of message is this sending? I do completely understand there are girls that are very advanced in their physical development, but even in these cases it's shocking to see such young girls embracing it.

A very recent example of not looking your age, is Tamera Foster, one of the contestants of this year's X Factor. When I first saw her I thought "wow, she is beautiful" not once did I think about her age, I just presumed, she was in her mid 20s, because quite frankly I wouldnt put her a day under 25. She not only looks this age, but the way she carries herself and her general demeanor is one of a much older young lady. I was gobsmacked to hear that she is indeed just 16 years old. 

So on Sunday night whilst watching The Xtra Factor Matt Johnson (This Morning), whilst being asked his feelings on the show, his favourites etc, he made a comment regarding Tamera, he flippantly mentioned that she had a nice bum. To which one of the crew shouted "she's 16 mate" he was shocked, embarrassed and responded by dropping the F Bomb. Of course social media went crazy, and were criticising him for his comments about her. To this I say, she does NOT look her age. She's an incredibly attractive young woman and had she been older this comment wouldn't have been frowned upon. I think Matt's reaction, albeit inappropriate, was one of absolute shock. To which we can only say, hey he is human.

I do actually really feel for men, I'm sure it's very hard to distinguish between these young girls and actual potential partners on a night out.

I just think these girls should enjoy being young, while they are. Before they know it they will be in need of cover up for the total opposite reason.

H xxx

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Shifting The Baby Weight.....

I always moaned about myself before I had kids, but truth be told I had a great body. I can say that now in hindsight because having kids has really changed me!

Me before the kids......

So now I have made it my mission to get back to my "pre kids weight" which means I'm trying to correct the 3 kids in 5 years damage. I love my kids and I'd do it all again for them but as I know we don't want anymore kids I am on a mission!

I started eating better and joined the gym, I go four times a week, I started in the beginning of August and have so far lost 30lb. Although I admit this is a lot of weight, I have a way to go before I get where I want to be. I have great support from my husband, family and friends.

 One friend in particular, Mandy has been a real support and an inspiration as she has done exactly what I'm trying to achieve. The days when I feel crap and can't be bothered she's there spurring me on, constantly telling me how proud she is! I couldn't have got this far this fast if it weren't for her. I am very thankful! 

I will keep you updated and check back in at another milestone, I am trying to do this in time for my 30th birthday in March, tis going to be tough but hopefully I'll get there!

Did you gain much weight during pregnancy? If so did you find it hard to shift?

H xxx

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

What's In A Name?

Have you ever wondered where your name comes from? Have you ever asked your parents why they named you that, or what you'd have been called had you been the opposite sex?

I am fascinated by names. As you know my name is Haylie, I asked my mother about her choice, I know I was named after the famous actress of the sixties Hayley Mills, and the spelling of it was because I have an older sister called Natalie and its cute that we match.

Haylie, or more commonly Hayley means Hay Meadow, and falls into the flower category of names. There were a lot of girls called Hayley when I was growing up so I was glad that I was a little different with the spelling. Now middle names, this is where we can have a good laugh. I have two middle names, the first of which is Susan, after my mother, which is lovely, and then we have Alvis. Yes Alvis. My middle name is Alvis. A lot of people jump straight to the conclusion that my parents may have been cruel enough to name me after a man, but no I was given the name from a long line of family members who were originally named after a car. How classy, this car how ever was like a Rolls-Royce come Aston Martin so I have no qualms there. As much as I hated this growing up, I love is now, can't say I've met anyone outside my family with it!

Choosing a name for your child is hard. I always pictured 3 little boys in my head and picked boys names accordingly. We did However pick girls names too, just in case. We also decided to give each of our children 2 middle names as we both have these.

Jacob was always going to be Jacob. It was a name that both I and Antony fell in love with very early on in our relationship. We love biblical names, especially boys names, as they are good strong names for boys to carry them into manhood. So when we found out we were having a boy we decided on Jacob Antony Terry. Jacob is a Hebrew name which means in Hebrew "to follow" referencing Jacobs birth in the bible, when he grabbed the heel of his twin brother Esau. Funny really as Jacob followed noone, he was our first. Antony after my husband, obviously, and Terry after my husbands grandfather, who passed away a few years previously. If Jacob would have been a girl his name would have been Esme. We loved this name as it was unusual and pretty. People were convinced I got both names from the Twilight Series but as my dear friend Louise can vouch after many failed attempts to get me to watch it, I had no idea about it. I will say since watching the films I do love them.

I don't know how you can be an Eli, but that's exactly right for my boy. No other name on this planet would be right. Again when we found out we were having a boy we decided on the name Eli Joseph Jude. Eli is another Hebrew name which means "ascend; my God." This really is a perfect name for my middle baby. Joseph is my fathers middle name, and Jude is just a boys name I really like, also referenced in the bible. Elis name is the most heavily biblical name of all 3 of my children. If Eli would have been a girl his name would have been Indi. I love this name. It more than likely would have been Indigo, but I think it would have been Indi as that's all is have called her. We were going to call Eli Elias, which I love, but as I knew all he'd be called was Eli I didn't see the point. Definitely was the right decision.

Now for little miss. To be honest, I never thought id have a girl. As soon as I found out I was pregnant I'd decided my little boy would be called Isaac Patrick Gray. My grandfather had recently passed away and his name was Patrick, I knew how happy this would make him, Gray was an affectionate term used for Ants grandad, Graham, or gramps as we call him. So can you imagine what I felt when I found out I was growing a pink one? Excitement, elation, delight to name a few. As mentioned in a previous post we had a tricky time just before we had our daughter so when we discussed names Hope seemed like the perfect choice. We named her Hope Natalie Kim. Hope as name is pretty self explanatory. She is my little bundle of Hope. The word popped up so much before we found out what we were having that when we were told she was a girl, Hope was the only choice. Natalie as explained before is my sisters name, and Kim is Antonys mothers name. My sister had already taken a lot of the family names so I kind of worked around her.

You don't realise the responsibility in picking a name until you have children of your own, makes you not be so hard on your parents for calling you Alvis.

What's the meaning of your name? How did you choose your child's name?

H xxx

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Eli's Hair Part 2....

I did say I'd follow up on his hair when it was finished and basically here we have it. My baby boy all grown up....

As hard as it was he looks so cute, and he needed it. It's hard to accept your little ones growing up. He not a baby any more.

H xxx