Monday, 23 September 2013

Get A Life!

I have always thought it was very important for children to socialize, But each child is different. I've never been a mom who holes herself away from civilization, don't get me wrong I love a good staying in day! Duvets and dvds at the ready, or a total arts and crafts mash up, or just a day of books and toys, I like to mix it up. But I think its so important to get out there and get these kids seeing the world.

Just a trip to the shops or a walk to your local park (weather allowing) is such a good way of starting your child's learning journey.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a talker. I could win awards, but this really comes in handy with the kids. Walking around I have no issues constantly talking to my kids, for example "look Eli, fire engine! What noise does a fire engine make?" Then we giggle as we "nee naw" down the street. Is just so important to constantly be challenging them and helping them to absorb all that free learning we have out there!

If you had asked me when I had only Jacob I would have told you, I do not like baby groups & stay and plays. My experience of them was not good. As previously explained, Jacob was a poorly baby was quite a bit restricted in his development. So whenever I would go to these groups I would find them just a platform for women to compete their children against each other and I don't have that in me. I remember one woman telling me she would feel like a failure if she had a child like Jacob, I can't repeat what I said to her. But it was a shame because Jacob couldn't get the full extent of what these groups are trying to achieve, developmental tools for your children and socializing for you both.

Being a mom can be isolating especially if you're a stay at home mom, so it important to get yourself out there. So as hard as it was when Jacob was 2 and a half I took him off to a little pre school where he did 2 afternoons (4 hours a week) and it was just enough for him to gain social skills and for us both to get used to being apart before he started proper nursery.

I have had a totally different experience with Eli. As soon as I knew he wasn't poorly I got him involved in all sorts. Whilst Jacob was at his pre school sessions I would take Eli to baby massage classes, baby sensory, swimming and baby group. It was nice to not have the same criticisms that were given to Jacob but if I'm honest it just made me feel worse for him. Eli loves being around other kids and generally other people, so any chance I get, we get out. When Jacob was little I would take us on all sort of adventures and we go on the buses and the trains and just generally explore! Same with Eli and they're both very social little boys.

Since Jacob has been at school Eli has been attending Little Brigids, which is a stay and play at Jacobs school, St Brigids Catholic Primary School. It's a lovely mix of kids but its also a lovely mix of women so us moms can have a natter too. Run by 2 lovely women its a mixture of toys and crafts then we all clear away and have toast and juice for kiddies and us moms get tea and biscuits. It's such a good Idea and a couple of hours for the kids to run themselves ragged!

Obviously I have Hope now aswell and she has been welcomed by all the moms and I can't wait for her to be running around the place!

Stay and plays are a real good way of getting you and your children out and experiencing things. I know from experience they're not for everyone but I urge you to try. You won't believe what your little one will get from it!

Do you go to any groups? What has been your experience?

H xxx

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