Thursday, 27 February 2014

Jacob - Update

Jacob is going to be 6 in June, something which scares me as honestly I feel like the time has gone so fast. Just want to update you all on how and what he is doing.

Jacob is in year 1 at school and to be honest this year has blown my mind so far. He started off in nursery with a very limited vocabulary as he had a rough start to life. No amount of talking, flash cards or exercises I had tried were working for me at home, but when Jacob went to nursery and met Mrs Ward, I have to say something just clicked. When he started he could say a few of things but by the Christmas he had a speaking part in the nativity. I cried many tears over this. Nursery was a blast for him, reception not so much. He never really gelled with his teacher and she only ever seemed to point out negatives about him. This lead to low confidence. But when Jacob started year 1 the case was completely different. 

Bit of a funny start with teacher changes but he has come on leaps and bounds and found a real passion in reading. Something I adore. He can read at way above the national average for his age and I have to be so careful about what I leave around as we've had a few instances with a take a break that I'm not too happy about! The fact that he could read such fine print well yes I was happy about that part!

He has to work hard at maths but is completely competent, he loves learning and CONSTANTLY asks questions! Haha! Very curious little boy, asking some of the big questions already, where do babies come from? Mom what are those big plasters for? Yep you get where I'm going. 

I love his thirst for knowledge. He loves super heroes him and his bro are constantly acting out scenes. I think his favorite thing at the mo is his DS. He loves animals, and he loves to sing and dance. He also attends multi sports after school one day a week at school.

Jacob has never been the best of eaters. He had a severe gag reflex as a baby, weaning was a nightmare, but he also had a strong mind. He's never liked vegetables and what he would eat was so limited for such a long time. This has recently changed, still not a lover of veg he will try new things lately. He does love a while range of foods, especially spicy things. His favourite dinner is chicken enchiladas. Which to be honest is a crowd pleaser in my house. He loves a stew and will eat everything in it, but if I separately put them out he won't touch it! Kids ay! 

Jacob is an emotional and very affectionate boy. He is so loving its amazing. He always wants kisses and cuddles I never have to force it, which I love. We have a thing that we do where he will come up to me and say " mom do you wanna get involved with me?" Which I just cry laughing at. He is one of the funniest people I have ever met and some of the stuff he comes out with just makes me swell with pride. He is an absolute gem. I am very lucky to have him and he is a credit to me. 

He and Eli have the sweetest relationship, they fight like cat and dog like real brothers, but the love they have is ridiculous. Jacob just loves teaching him things and encouraging him, like constantly and recently whilst Eli has been potty training he has helped so much! He adores Hope and just wants to do everything for her. He is very affectionate towards them both. Always polite and just wants to talk to everyone (just like me) he constantly wants to help me. He is a strong willed little boy and has the odd tantrum or twelve. 

Jacob is a dot compared to his friends at school. Jacob has never left the 25th centile since a baby, but as his weight and height tally they've never seen it as a cause for concern. It's quite common for children with Jacobs condition to be a bit dinky. Combine that with him being on of the youngest in his year he looks quite comical next to his best friend Taylor. Saying this he is heavier that he looks. Jacobs weighs 3 stone 5 lbs which looking at him you'd never believe it. 

He's a handsome little devil and he knows it. Already taking a keen interest in the ladies haha. He is quite keen on Nicole Sherzinger and was quite keen on Hazel from last year's big brother.

All in all my big boy is amazing, obviously I am biased but he really is. Just love him to the point of no return. No matter how old he gets he's my baby. Always will be. 

H xxx

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