Thursday, 1 May 2014

Eli is 3!

As we know I'm not the most dedicated blogger but when I want to share something a bit more than 140 characters I have to get involved and my son Eli turning 3 is definitely one of those occasions! 

On Monday the 28th April my baby boy turned 3. Yes three! I am still in a bit of shock when I say this as this last year has gone so fast I cannot believe it! Well it seems like 2 mins since I had him!

I spent all day Sunday making his cake and anyone who knows him knows he absolutely obsessed with Spiderman! 

I was really pleased with how it come out and once it was sorted I felt I could relax a bit! I couldn't really sleep that night as I must admit I'm worse than the kids! 

I sat and watched him sleep for a few seconds getting a little emosh I will admit. 

And after some waking up.... Ha the fun began! 

He had loads for his birthday including money, clothes, a new TV so many toys, inclusion spiderman, like everything and a big boys bike!

He got dressed into a new outfit....

We had to go off onto the school run then, but luckily his birthday fell on a Monday which is the day we go to stay and play at Jacobs school! 

They made a right fuss of him, he had a cake and they all sang, it was very sweet.

After a little trip to the shops we went home and he played with his toys for a bit till Antony returned from work. Then After school we had a little tea party for him, where he had a few of his little friends round. They got absolutely covered in mud in the garden! 

After the Happy Birthdays were sung and cake was dished out we got bathed and off to bed, he was a very tired little boy indeed! After they were all in bed, I won't lie me and Antony had some fun with his presents! Big kids! 

He had an amazing day and I still just cannot believe he is 3! He's an amazing little boy who makes me laugh so much. He challenges me daily and is so head strong. But I wouldn't have him any other way! As I say, I love him all the spiderwebs in the world!

H xxx

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